Sunday, March 25, 2007


I've always liked the name Captiva. I was part of a girl gang for about three minutes called Captiva, but I think it fell apart cause I refused to get a black leather jacket.
This is a photo I took of a lovely swing on a private beach on Captiva Island nears Naples, FL. Scott and I were driving around Sanibel and Captiva and I had to stop and capture this. It angers me so that much of the U.S. coastline is privately owned. I mean, who can own the sand and the sea and the stars and the air and the rapture of it all? It was surely meant for all of us.
Had dinner tonight at a bad Chinese place near Guilford. Then a bit of Montezuma's revenge. Before that, Bindi and I went to a "tricks" workshop at the dog trainer's. It was fun. We learned how to do "spin," and "cute face," and "take a bow." Of course they have to be practiced many times. I planted a few tulip bulbs in a pot for outside, and the ones in the house are blooming. Very nice. I've been very sleepy this weekend and have been sleeping a lot.
Yesterday I went to meet the woman who owns the house on West Lake, who has two basement rooms to rent. There are many positives about living there: right on a beautiful lake, a fenced in yard for the dogs, and Bindi got along with her dog Cody right away; the setup would work for my counseling practice; the price is right. The neighborhood has others of a like mind. The owner teaches on Long Island and is gone all week, but here on the weekends, and during the summer so I would get time alone. She likes cats and has one that looks like Camilla. She likes classical music, and seems to be mature. The downside: there are stairs. No bathroom or windows in the basement
Friday I had tea with Annette and Pat. Pat's mother recently died; her husband died last year; her sister the year before that. And two granddaughters born during the same time. Talk about yin and yang. We had a pleasant chat.
The last of the snow should melt this week, and then I'll start some planting. Bought two bags of organic seaweed fertilizer. Spring break is over. Spring planting begins.
Why can't I get this program to make paragraph breaks?


Anonymous said...

that would be a beautiful place to sit!

Anonymous said...

All that sand would get into my electronic gadgets!! :-)

John Pluecker said...

sounds like a great trip. and lay off the bad chinese food! chiang kai-shek's revenge!