Thursday, August 30, 2007


Out of clever titles. Dreamed of DillBoy last night, that he was alive and well. I still miss him every day. I'll probably dream of Dad soon.

Worked at the Johnson Road house today with Laura, washing out cabinets, cleaning the bathroom, being there for the carpet cleaning guy. The carpets had already been cleaned, but I wanted them cleaned again, just 'cause, and he put some anti-bacterial and some scotchguard stuff on it too. Left all the windows open to dry the carpet when we left ; hope it doesn't rain. Found a few minor repairs that need to be made, like, the landowners left me a garbage can that was supposed to have wheels, but had none. For instance. Rob was there for a bit, brought some stuff over in his car, and went up to the attic and found some minor treasures, along with some junk left by the previous tenants. There's a black and white cat that lives in the house in back, with the angry dog named Pudge. Hopefully Pudge and Bindi will learn to get along.

Took a drive out to Ocean State Job Lot this evening and got a new piece of astroturf for the garden shed, for ten bucks. And bought a light beige rug to cover the ugly mauve rug in the smaller bedroom. Bought Bindi a new dog bed for the new house. The kitchen has tons of storage cabinets.

Tried to go to sleep earlier but couldn't. Will try now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's moving day!

I hope it's going well! It sounds like you're all set.

Tons of cupboards and storage is great!